We Create Opportunity

IBSA provides employment & training services, youth development & community service activities, and small business training, development & support services. Donations & contributions both financial and in-kind are fully tax-deductible as allowable under the US Federal IRS Tax Code.

Public policy Research

Public Policy analysis

effective advocacy


Community Engagement

Neighborhood Outreach


Community Collaborations

Active Community Networks


Opportunities to Inspire

Empowerment Programs

Social Services

IBSA provides adult work experience opportunities that teach office/clerical skills; such as basic computer use, advanced software applications, and we offer a variety of support services to those referred to our agency that are seeking employment or job training.

Adult Services

Office/Clerical Skills Training, Digital Skills Training, Trade Skills Development, Job Search Assistance…

Youth Services

Community Service, Office/Clerical Skills Training, Digital Skills Training, Community Leadership…


Streets University is our youth enterprise development income-opportunity program. Young people interested in tech and those with an entrepreneurial mindset are offered an opportunity to learn salesmanship, a marketable digital tech-skills (WordPress), and can then earn a few dollars by putting into practice what they learn.

Learn & Earn ???

Increase Typing Skills, Reading & Math Skills,

Earn Stipends, Meet Business & Community Leaders… and More (download program application here) (Student Handbook 2024)

Want To Support IBSA?

IBSA is a nonprofit agency dedicated to offering effective solutions that benefit our community. Tax-Exempt ID: 48-1137236

Make a Donation

We thank you in advance for your financial support


/the choice is yours


Donations are tax-deductible

Donations cover program fees for those who can’t pay

Your support allows us to be GREAT Community Advocates

Pay by credit card or PayPal

Business Support

List your small business or nonprofit in our online directory




One-Year Business Listing

Increased Search Rank

Link to Website, Map, Videos

Pay by credit card or PayPal

Shared with Gov’t & Corp Procurement Dept’s & Staff

Corporate Support

Corporate support makes a difference in our community


/the choice is yours?


Donations support progress

Donations are tax-deductible

Your support is shared with our friends & followers

IBSA was Founded in 1993

FEIN: 48-1137236

All pricing is in USD. You can cancel your listing or recurring donation at any time. 
All renewals are at full price

21 Listed Businesses

175 Listed Businesses

61 Listed Businesses

How is IBSA supported?

IBSA receives financial support through its online business directory’s, contracted services through agreements, individual donations, various grants and financial/in-kind corporate contributions or sponsorship’s.

Can I refer an individual, small business or a nonprofit for services on my own?

Yes, you can refer adults, a young person, a small business or nonprofit for a specific program, activity or service.

Is IBSA a membership organization?

IBSA, Inc., is not a membership organization and focuses on providing direct services affecting community life. We have specific programming and activities serving Americans of African Descent and those historically impoverished and living in poverty.

How do we list our business or nonprofit in your online directory?

Listings are paid annually and may include an interview by one of our students participating in StreetsU or a Student Advisor.

How can I stay up-to-date with upcoming events and activities?

Our website is being upgraded to offer an easy-to-navigate “Events” section. This will provide information on upcoming activities, and don’t forget to follow us online to stay informed

How can I receive a receipt for my donation or listing payment?

Contact our administrative office with your donation inquiry and we’ll be happy to provide an receipt for your records.

Need more information?

If you have additional inquiries that are not addressed here, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.